Monday, February 28, 2011

the sabbath day is a special day.

I love being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love wearing my CTR ring and trying to live my life by only choosing the right. I love going to sacrament meeting and being able to partake of the sacrament. I love going to my church meetings and feeling of the spirit that is there continually. I love listening to the speakers in church and learning through the spitit.
Yesterday at church, Nathan was the speaker. He did a really great job. Not only does he know what he is talking about but he is a really good speaker. The topic he spoke on was judging others. Like everyone else in this world, I find myself judging others quite frequently, when really I shouldn't be. The thing that really stuck with me from his talk was that you have to judge but, you have to judge righteously. We all have to make judgements in life. It's actually something that I find myself having to do almost everyday. What I need to focus on is making sure that my judgements are righteous. That they are something the Lord would want us to do and that they are something that will allow the spirit to continuse to dwell with us.
I truly love life no matter what.

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